【Hiking⑩】Dinosaur Park🦖

8/13 Banff to Dinosaur Park(World heritage)

→レンタカー 8am-11pm @$152(保険含)

ダイナソーパーク バスツアー@$17

→ガソリン total$50

5people $60/per


8:00 レンタカーpick up

8:30 Dep from Banff

13:00 Arv to Dinosaur Park

→pick up tickets

13:30 Bus tour with guide

15:30 finish tour

15:45 No.4 Trail 所要45min

16:15 No.5 Trail 所要 1hour ✴︎special tree

17:30 Dep from Park

20:00Arv to Calgary for dinner at wearhouse

→all food $5.99!

and Chattime

20:50 Dep from Calgary

23:00 Came back to Banff

23:30 See shooting stars next to Maclab


It was quite big day🦖⭕️⭕️

